A 2D High-Pass Ladder RF Coil Architecture for UHF MRI

TitleA 2D High-Pass Ladder RF Coil Architecture for UHF MRI
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2021
AuthorsGökyar S, Voss HU, Taracila V, Robb FJL, Bernico M, Kelley D, Ballon DJ, Winkler SA
Conference NameISMRM Virtual Conference

We propose a two-dimensional cylindrical high-pass ladder (2D c-HPL) volume coil architecture as a new class of radiofrequency coils to be used for 7T
Body MR imaging. As a first simplified experimental proof-of-concept we show feasibility in a head sized coil. In silico results show 45% more
homogeneous B1 field distribution with 25% lower specific absorption rate compared to a similar size birdcage coil. Experimental results are in good
agreement with theory and numerical simulations. The proposed architecture shows promise to solve the longstanding open challenge of volume coil
B1+ inhomogeneity in UHF MRI applications.